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Michel Pardes Finds “Tranquility”

Like everyone else, Michel Pardes (aged 48) is searching for tranquility. He has even composed an amazing tune to the words from Psalms: “Peace be within your walls, tranquility in your palaces”. Pardes, in general a globetrotting businessman who from

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Amram Adar: “Shalit”

Amram Adar (aged 33), married father of three, an investment broker living in Miami, Florida, travels all over the world in his private capacity, as a singer. Adar appears at luxury venues, accompanied by local orchestras presenting classic favourites, as

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New Single “Kol Ma De’avid” By Itzik Orlev from upcoming album.

Israel, July 25, 2010: Itzik Orlev released his third single entitled “Kol Ma De’avid” from his upcoming album “Ribon Ha’olamim” After much success with his previous two singles “Ribon Ha”olamim”, & duet with Amiran Dvir “Bechol Yom She’Yavoh” Orlev decided

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New Single “Bo’er Kmo Esh” By Eitan from upcoming album –

Israel, July 25, 2010: As some people might know, Itzik Orlev started his career under the wing of Itzik Eshel when Eshel produced Orlev’s first album “Ma’agalim”. After two smash hit albums & a third on the way, Itzik &

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Shtar – Infinity (Acoustic) Music Video

Here is a Acoustic music video of the group “Shtar” featuring their song Infinity.

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Dovid Gabay – Eretz Yisroel Cover and 2 Min Preview of Title Track

Its almost here! Dovid gabay’s new album Eretz Yisroel the title track composed by Elimelech Blumstein and arranged by Moshe Roth. Here is your first listen of the new album/song. The CD will be available in the next 1-2 weeks.

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DJ Raidz – Club Tantz 2

DJ Raidz is back with a all new cd “Club Tantz 2”.  The album will only be available on the NEW website the only place where you can find the best techno and trance jewish songs. Club Tantz 2

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Adon Olam by Freilach featuring Levy Falkowitz

Adon Olam by Freilach Orchestra with Levy Falkowitz and Mark Fineburg. photography by Adon Olam – Freilach Levy Falkowitz from Hersh Rosner on Vimeo.

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Teem Productions presents a newly composed single sung by Shloime Taussig. The song, Lashem Haaretz Umloah was composed by and also guest starring, R’ Yitzchok Fuchs. [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Click HERE to download the FREE single

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Lehava Orchestra’s Amazing Double Album: ‘The Double Project’

At the end of three years of concentrated effort the Lehava Orchestra, the most successful religious orchestra, has reached the finish line with a fantastic double album which is without doubt by far the best collection of wedding music to

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