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Mayer Rivkin – Moshiach & Redemption

An inspirational journey of music and song by Chassidic vocalists Mayer Rivkin and his 13 year old son Mendel, transporting the listener to the ultimate destination…the long awaited era of Moshiach & Redemption. The album features 13 meticulously chosen Chabad,

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Yehuda Glantz NEW SINGLE – Ke Venga La Simcha

Its been a few years since Yehuda Glantz released a new album. Don’t take that to mean that he has given up on Jewish Music, its actually the exact opposite. Yehuda has been performing across the globe. Most recent performing

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Dovid Gabay & Elimelech Blumstein Introduce New Song: Eretz Yisroel

Please enjoy this video of Dovid Gabay and composer Elimelech Blumstein discussing the title track on the upcoming all new album from Dovid Gabay, Eretz Yisroel. The video also features a small audio taste of the title track.  Follow Dovid

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Nachum Segal Hosts Sandy Shmuely at JM in the AM

Nachum had the pleasure of hosting the sensational Sandy Shmuely for a great morning of live music on JM in the AM. Nachum and Sandy were celebrating the release of Sandy’s latest CD, “Ki Tov,” and played several of the

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Shua Kessin singing for 1000’s of people on Lag Baomer on 16th ave for the Nikolsburg rebbe and shul

Shua Kessin sang for 1000’s of people on Lag B’aomer on 16th ave. in Boro Park ,Brooklyn, N.Y. for the Nikolsburg Rebbe and Shul Shua sang his own popular compositions among others for the 1000’s that came Michoel Shnitzler also

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Yehuda Glantz 2010 Sidney & Melbourne Australia

Yehuda Julio Glantz “The universal Jewish contemporary art scene” Argentinean- born multi-instrumentalist, performer, composer and producer. An original artist in the Israeli music world scene, he is a true renaissance man bound by a vision and purpose to promote faith,

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Benny Sings as Uncle Avremel Watches On

Benny Friedman Sings Kad Yasvun as Uncle Avrmel Watches On. Avraham Fried asks his nephew Benny Friedman to sing a warm song and Benny chooses “Kad Yasvun” a track off of his debut album “Taamu” Helping him out is the

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Breslov Bar Band: Have No Fear

From melancholy midnight meditations to funky/punky affirmations of the One, the Breslov Bar Band explores musical expressions of the Breslov Chassidim from the traditional to the contemporary… Rock, Middle-Eastern, Punk, Jazz… it’s all there! The group’s repertoire includes old dveykus

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Avraham Fried sings in D.C.

Avraham Fried singing Reb Shmuel Brazil’s Sholom Aleichem, at the Living Legacy conference in Washington D.C. a few Day ago. Click Here for Photos of the conference. Recorded on June 16, 2010. By Shimon G Videos.

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