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Shua Kessin singing for The Schi 14th Anniversary Dinner video presentation

Shua Kessin sang for The SCHI (School of Hidden Intelligence) 14th Anniversary Dinner in 2009. The song is Birchos Avicha from Dovid Gabay, song composed by Elimelech Blumstein, Lyrics were written by Malka Leah Josephs and the video was produced

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Nolan makes his JM Wedding debut! Music by Evan Al Orchestra

Nolan Jackson sings Binyan Adei Ad with EvanAL Orchestra at Eli Lax’s Sisters wedding.

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Mishpacha Magazine presents: Kedai R’ Shimon Bar Yochai

Mishpacha Magazine will be including a little something extra in your Peasch issue this year, a brand new CD. The album entitled “Kedai R’ Shimon Bar Yochai” is produced by TeeM Productions. “Kedai R’ Shimon Bar Yochai” includes brand new

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Six13 Live @ The ROC House with Yeshiva University’s Maccabeats

The ROC House presents A Night of A Capella with Six13 with a special performance by The Maccabeats of Yeshiva University Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:30pm – 11:15pm 550 West 110th Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam) For more info please

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Making The Leap From Music To ???: What Is Next For Lipa Schmeltzer? VIN Exclusive

New York – There are singers and there are singers. Lipa Schmeltzer is not just another singer. Case in point: Lipa’s newest release, which contains no audio whatsoever. Entitled Lipa’s Hagada, this full color, laminated, hard covered Hagada, has stunning

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Watch the Jewish Star Compeition Online

The video you’ve all been waiting for: COLlive’s A Jewish Star singing competition finals at Soul II Soul, Brooklyn School of Music. Watch Avraham Ohayon, Shuky Sadon and the winner Binyamin Moshe. Hosted by Benny Friedman. Untitled from on

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Need MENUCHA? Hear the first sampler here!

Well I would say this album has been one of the most discussed in the last four years. Its coming out, No its not. It is, not its not. Over and over so much so that fans have been bewildered

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Noted Beloved Charedi Music Composer Passes Away

From left to right: Chilu Posen, Anshi Czin, Moshe Goldman Z’l, Pinky Weber. [Photo: VIN News] Brooklyn, NY – Rabbi Moshe Zvi Goldman the famous Charedi beloved music composer from Bobov passed away early this morning at the age of

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Ken Burgess – Somewhere to Belong

Four years after his third album was released, composer, singer and arranger Ken Burgess, is ready to release his fourth album, defined a musical masterpiece. The new album “Somewhere to Belong” is a tribute to true Jewish music lovers. This

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