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Aaron Razel song for Purim : Lifnei ShHashem Nosen Es Hamakeh

Aaron Razel has a very unusual custom. Every Purim he composes and records a new song that he sends his friends in his shalach manos. The Blues song this Year, is based on the gemara in Megillah daf yud beis

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Pomegranate presents: Shimmy Engel Live – Launching his New Hit Album!

Pomegranate presents: Shimmy Engel Live – Launching his New Hit Album! Shimu U’tchi – Listen & Live Music by the Freilach Orchestra Yoily Leibowitz Peste Rebbe, M.C. professional juggler and other exciting stuff This Tuesday February 15th, 2010 – 7:45pm

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Oorah Shmorg 2 – Audio CD sampler clips

That’s right people, its THAT time of year. Where people are anxiously checking their mailboxes each and every day to see if their Oorah Shmorg CD has finally arrived. This year I can tell you they are in for a

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FREE DOWNLOAD: Shauli performing Yitzchak Fuch’s Hallelu

Singer Shauli released his debut album only one month ago and has been making some waves in the JM industry. With only 7 amazingly smooth sounding tracks, “Simcha Belibi” is available in stores for $12.99 or $11.99 on With

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Mostly Music February Newsletter: First Look!

Covers for Yehuda Green: Yearning, Shabbos With the Werdygers, Leah Forster’s Balabusted! Amazing Download Sale on Shloime Gertner’s Nisim, only $8.99!!! The Ohel 5 Day Sale Price!  Album Download: $9.99 | CD $13.99 | DVD $22.99 … and much

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Judaica Guitars

Jolyrden Custom Judaica Guitars – A Modern Day Lyre of David Israeli musician and luthier Nir Cinamon has seen one too many metal guitars with skull and crossbones inlays and Motorhead stickers. It’s time to build a Jewish guitar, he thought

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Leah Forster: BALBUSTED! Coming soon

Coming just in time for Purim! Leah Forster’s hilarious follow-up to Yentatainment ! more fun…more funny ad more of the same you’ve come to appreciate and adore!

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Baryo – Berachamim

Yehuda Nass, is the producer of  Baryo a great talent in the music field who is already making an impact on the jewish music scene, with his composition of “Birshus” for Yaakov Shwekey and his various performances around Israel. They

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The 10 Semi-Finalists of A Jewish Star Competition 1

10 Semi-Finalists received the most votes in and Soul II Soul’s ‘A Jewish Star’ singing competition. Judges Avraham Fried, Mendy Pellin and Michael Sojcher will choose three finalists from your top ten. The three finalists will perform at the

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Shabbos Hayom Sample from Shloime Gertner’s Say Asay

In honor of Erev Shabbos we offer you a brand new clip, titled “Shabbos Hayom Lashem”, composed by Baruch Levine. We hope to have a new update for you next week on when you can expect the new CD, Say

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