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EvanAl Orchestras – the new band on the block 0

You probably have been seeing a lot of videos on Youtube, Gruntig, Yideotube, JewishMusicPlus etc. featuring a new band called EvanAl, playing with  popular singers like Shauly Waldner, Dovid Gabay, Beri Weber and everyone in between. Well here’s the scoop.

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The YeshivaBoysChoir  website has launched! Go to and you can hear samples from all the albums. You can also download (for free!) sheet music from any of the 4 YBC albums.

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“Ki Tov”, a new exciting single for Sandy Shmueli 1

Sandy Shmueli, a well-known American Israeli singer, is now adding the finishing touches to another album of Jewish music, his eighth. The album was recorded in Israel in an Israeli production, all blue & white. Shmueli maybe lives in New

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SHLOCK ROCK:NO LIMITS – Pay What You Want for the Album 1

Lenny Solomon of Shlock Rock has just released a brand new CD. The CD titled, “No Limits” is available as a download on But get this, it’s available for whatever you want to pay for it!! Want it for

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Yitzy Bald featuring a clip of his latest Production from the the “YITZY BALD BOYS CHOIR”. Enjoy ! DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE IN THE YITZY BALD BOYS CHOIR? If yes the please CALL: 718-471-1828 or 917-225-3113

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Sea Gate, NY – Trendsetting Chasidic Singer Michoel Schnitzler in First-Ever Video Interview‏ VIN NEWS 0

Sea Gate, NY – For the past two decades, trendsetting Chasidic singer Michoel Schnitzler has been in demand at Chareidi weddings from Brooklyn to Belgium and beyond. But few know that Schnitzler was one of the very first, if not

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Avraham Fried Video Interview with 0

Now we are heading in to the sukkos season and Avraham Fried spoke in a video interview with about his upcoming concert with Lipa in Brooklyn college on chol chaomed sukkos. Avarahm also discussed various projects he is working

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