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Yosef Chaim on the cover of Life Style

Here is the debut of this months cover of the Jewish lifestyle Magazine. This month’s cover features Yosef Chaim’s brand new album, Lo Lefached and a three page interview with Yosef Chaim inside Make sure to pick up your copy

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Free Download of “Barcelona” by Jo Amar from HASC Vol. 2 1

Sunday 28 June, 2009 This past Friday, June 26th, Jo Amar passed away. Jo Amar was an unbelievable talent and contributed a tremendous amount to modern Jewish Music. Jo Amar will be sorely missed and to remember this amazing singer

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Rabbi Yossi Goldstein and the Tmimim Boys Choir – First listen 1

The much anticipated debut album of the Tmimim Boys Choir and Rabbi Yossi Goldstein is finally being released at the and of the summer B”H. The project took a long three years to produce, but will certainly be worth the

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Nachum Segal Hosts Beri Weber for the Official Debut of ‘Be’Ezras Hashem Yisbarach’

Nachum hosted Shmiel Ber “Beri” Weber, a rising star in the Jewish music world, to officially debut his new CD “Be’Ezras Hashem Yisbarach.” Beri’s debut album is produced by Naftali Schnitzler and Ruli Ezrachi. The CD has 14 tracks, composed

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“Mizmor L’Dovid” Featuring the newly composed ACHEINU! IN MEMORY OF DAVID ROTTENSTREICH A”H YOU CAN PURCHASE THE CD FOR A DONATION OF AT LEAST $10 BY: 1) CREDIT CARD: Log onto 2) MAIL: Checks can be made out to

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the new clip of Yizhar Shabby 0

Credits: Lyrics: Tehilim 127 Composing: Yizhar Shabby Singing and guitars: Yizhar Shabby voices: Ziv Yechezkel Bass: Avrahhhm Sason Eliyahu Keyboard: Avi Adiran Music production: Asaf Ayalon, Yizhar Sabby photography , direction and editing : Roni Tsarfati, Ulpaney Skala “this song

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Mekimi Concert: Yossi Green, Shloime Taussig, Pinky Weber, Shloime Gertner & Yisroel Werdyger 0

This is from last winter, it’s the Mekimi Chanukah Event: billed as an “EVENING WITH THE COMPOSERS”, featuring Yossi Green and Pinky Weber. Also singing were Shloime Gertner, Shlomie Taussig & Yisroel Werdyger (AkA TeeM singers)

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JI – Berry Weber CD Giveaway! 3

That right the long awaited debut album Beezras Hashem Yisbarach By Berry  Weber is FINALLY in stores and Online! JI and Berry are  giving away 2 cd’s (maybe even signed) To enter for a chance to win please leave your

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Sandy Shmuely – “Bless Us” (Barchenu) 0

Introducing the first track from his eighth album. Sandy Shmuely, a well known Israeli-American artist, is about to complete the preparations for another album of Jewish music, his eighth. The album was recorded here in Israel, an all Israeli production.

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