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‘Hadoch Kamai’-Effi Rosen’s first single

Israel exports new Hassidic music discovery to the world: This is the story of a music artist, not just a ‘singer’, who decided to produce his own album the hard way. To record his debut album, Effi Rosen needed to

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Asaf Leibovitz: “One and Only” – Final single prior to the album

Asaf Leibovitz presents his fourth and final hit prior to releasing the complete album “Tipul Tefilla” (“Prayer Treatment”). Leibovitz, aged 41, born in Haifa but currently living in Hod Hasharon, married and the father of three, defines himself as a

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David Mizrachi presents his new single:”Eshmerah Shabbat”

David Mizrachi, (aged 43) father of four essentially a Jerusalemite who has for the past few years lived in the community of Eli in Judea and Samaria, has always been drawn to the special brand of music – piyutim. Even

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Ari Goldwag “Ribono” Acapella

Someone just emailed this to me, it’s an a cappela track of Ari Goldwag singing Ribono. This song was on Shea Rubenstein’s CD. It’s composed by Ari Goldwag. It’s really amazing. I think this was one of the nicest songs

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JI Exclusive! Gershon Veroba – Little David Acapella Single!

Download this free track of “Little David” from Gershon Veroba. Formerly titled “The Fight In The Man,” it was, originally performed by The Megama Duo in 1982 on the album, G-D IS ALIVE AND WELL IN JERUSALEM. No instruments were

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Download this FREE A Cappela Single from Beri Weber!

Download this free track of “Aheim” originally recorded on the debut album “Bezras Hashem Yisbarach” from Beri Weber. This song contains no musical instruments and is intended for use during Sefirah and the 3 weeks. (Or the rest of the

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Yosef Chaim on the cover of Life Style

Here is the debut of this months cover of the Jewish lifestyle Magazine. This month’s cover features Yosef Chaim’s brand new album, Lo Lefached and a three page interview with Yosef Chaim inside Make sure to pick up your copy

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Free Download of “Barcelona” by Jo Amar from HASC Vol. 2 1

Sunday 28 June, 2009 This past Friday, June 26th, Jo Amar passed away. Jo Amar was an unbelievable talent and contributed a tremendous amount to modern Jewish Music. Jo Amar will be sorely missed and to remember this amazing singer

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Rabbi Yossi Goldstein and the Tmimim Boys Choir – First listen 1

The much anticipated debut album of the Tmimim Boys Choir and Rabbi Yossi Goldstein is finally being released at the and of the summer B”H. The project took a long three years to produce, but will certainly be worth the

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