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Mekimi’s an organization near and dear to to Leah Forster comedian extraordinaire, so you can have entertainment and do a mitzvah at the same time! This is some of Leah’s best work and you’ll love the new stuff! Hitting your

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The Kol Noar Boys Choir 0

What do you get when you combine Mo Kiss signature style with a group of talented boys? The long awaited debut of The Kol Noar Boys’ Choir! Maybe you heard them on Lipa Schmeltzer’s Hallel Album. Or AKA Pella 2

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PUAH Celebrates 18 years with Annual dinner and release of New Song! 0

PUAH the leading jewish fertility organization Annual Dinner Tuesday January 13th, Giving Birth to the Future January 13, 2009 at the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center, 60 West End Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Please join  Julius R. Nasso, Man of the Year

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“מראה כהן” the new project of Shlomo and Ami Cohen. 0

Sure it might be a bit late, but this week Shlomo Cohen released an additional song to the new album that will hit shelves in middle of next week. “מראה כהן” is the name of the new project of musician

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The third album has arrived: Naftali Abramson-Misgabrim 0

After investing 2 years in complete work, Naftali is finally coming out with the album we have all been waiting for, and it was definitely worth the wait. The album “Misgabrim” of which the majority includes his own melodies, is

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Chasoif: A Song In Honor of the Mumbai Shloishim. 0

    Everyone helps out in the way that they can. Since I work with many talented people in the Jewish music industry, I wanted to do something musical that would express our feelings on the upcoming Shloishim of the

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Gershon Veroba Announces “Second Impressions” on JM in the AM with Nachum Segal 0

Nachum hosted Gershon Veroba live at JM in the AM yesterday, for a special Chanukah celebration! Gershon brought musician Bill Nelson and his trusty guitars with him and filled the airwaves with his incredible voice and songs. Yossi Zweig was also on hand

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE INTRODUCING SONGS IN THE KEY OF HANUKKAH Erran Baron Cohen updates, remixes and expands the music associated with The Festival of Lights. New Line Records is excited to announce the release of Songs In The Key Of Hanukkah

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Lamplighters: A New Song 0

In tribute to Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, who were brutally murdered by terrorists in Mumbai, India, singer/songwriter Moshe Hecht has produced a song about emissaries carrying out similar missions worldwide. The song, entitled “Lamplighters,” is an inspiring reggae-rock

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