Back to homepageHASC XXII – Lineup and date 0
Its almost that time of year again. NO! Not Chanukah, the HASC Concert time. HASC is having their 22nd annunal concert. The lineup includes Yaakov Shwekey, Dovid Gabay, Baruch Levine, Yehuda Green.Just added to the show was Cantor Yitzhak Meir
This is pretty cool Jewish Music news. Moshe Benasher, has made his new CD, “Soul Awake” available for free. Yes, the entire CD, all 8 track for free. It’s a Piano instrumental album featuring popular Chabad Niggunim. Click here to
Read MoreAvi Piamenta – A New Song for Hakhel Year 0
Avi Piamenta has introduced a new song he calls “A New Song for Hakhel Year.” He composes a song every Simchas Bais Hashoeiva in Crown Heights. This new tune was recorded in a studio with a group of 770 bochurim singing,
Read MoreTryouts for the YITZY BALD Boys Choir! 3
Tryouts for the Brand New YITZY BALD Boys Choir! Tryouts will be held in Brooklyn and Five Towns. For more information or to set up an appointment please call: 718-471-1828 or 917-225-3113. I believe that the choir will be used
Read MoreOHEL 4th Befefit concert Review- Pix and Vids 0
Dedi, Dudu Fischer, Yossi Green Dedi Dedi, & Yossi Green YB & MBC Dudu Fisher The 4th Annual OHEL Benefit concert was sold out!. The show began with Dedi singing
Read MoreGAD ELBAZ in Quesarya DVD Promo 0
This is the DVD of the Gad Elbaz Between the Drops Concert in The Ampitheater at Quesarya, Tuesday August 26th, 2008. The concert featured Benny Elbaz, Gershon Veroba, Shlomi Shabbat, Itsik Shammel, Yishai Lapidot, Ovadia Chamma, Harel Moiel Shlomo Grunich,
Read MoreDEDI’s new album? 3
I got this in my email about half a year ago. With all the talk of DEDI’s new album or new material I though this might be intresting. The song is called “Mipnei Ma” and composed by Yossi Green. I
Read MoreMASTISYA-U “Shattered ep” 0
“On October 18, Grammy-nominated artist Matisyahu will begin an extensive fall tour across North America, including stops in Los Angeles and Philadelphia. The tour coincides with the release of his upcoming EP, Shattered (Epic Records, October 21). The four-song EP
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