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Tonight – Mincha & Maariv Sefira with Chazzan Benzion Miller, Chazzan Israel Rand & Chazzan Yaakov Motzen

Congregation Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park Activities Committee presents Mincha & Maariv Sefira featuring Chazzan Benzion Miller Chazzan Israel Rand Chazzan Yaakov Motzen accompanied by the Y.I.B.E. Aaron Miller Memorial Choir Directed by Shimmy Miller May, 15th 2011 –

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Lag Baomer parade in Johannesburg with Eli Marcus

The Great Parade & Fair Lag B’omer 2011 Sunday May, 22nd 2011 Parade starting from Village Walk @ 10am Fun Fair @ Mushroom Farm Park Open from 12-4:30pm ENTRANCE FREE Featuring: Eli Marcus International Performer From The US

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Lag B’omer Concert Featuring 8th Day

Torah Learning Center & JCC Come Together to Rock the Jewish Community Lag B’omer Concert Featuring 8th Day Jewish Music’s hottest new band. Infusing rock, blues, reggae and their inimitable vocal harmonies with their uplifting lyrics, fans and critics all

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Thousands Jam into Williamsburg Hall on Behalf of RCCS Cancer Patients

Panoramic view of a portion of the thousands crammed into Ateres Avraham in behalf of RCCS Brooklyn, NY — In what many described as the largest turnout ever for a life-saving beacon of chessed, thousands of Williamsburg residents jammed into

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[Contest] Win 1 of 5 Leah Forster – Let’s Get “Leah” biddig! CD’s

You all know Leah Forster for her comedic chops. Her DVDs and CDs fly off the shelf and her latest Let’s Get “Leah” biddig! no exception. Her new hits include brand new concepts like getting ripped off at the mechanic,

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[Exclusive] Shira Chadasha Boys Choir: Al Hatorah – The Torah Album. Coming Lag Baomer

Nachman Seltzer and the talented boys from Israel’s very own Shira Chadasha Boys Choir are back with an all new album “Al Hatorah – The Torah Album”. This album, their fourth (Acheke Lo, Arayvim Zeh Lozeh & The Chanukah Album)

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Asaf Shafar returns with a acapella single “Chazku”

“Chazku Yadayim Rafos” This song has special meaning during these days of sefira. חַזְּקוּ יָדַיִם רָפוֹת, וּבִרְכַּיִם כֹּשְׁלוֹת אַמֵּצו, אִמְרוּ לְנִמְהרֵי לֵב חִזְקוּ, אַל-תִּירָאוּ, הִנֵּה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם נָקָם יָבוֹא גְּמוּל אֱלֹהִים, הוּא יָבוֹא וְיֹשַׁעכֶם. Asaf Shafar took these words from Yeshayahu

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Win Great Parade VIP Seats

[HT: COLlive] Want a chance to win 2 VIP tickets and $100 worth of carnival tickets for the Great Parade? All you have to do is ‘Like’ The Great Parade on Facebook. With just a click of your mouse, you

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[Music] Song in Support of IDF Goes Viral on YouTube

Just hours before Yom Hazikaron transitions into Yom Ha’atzmaut, Dov Hoschander’s song in support of the IDF has gone viral on YouTube, attracting more than 26,000 views since its recent release in April 2011. The song, titled Hu Yivarech –

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LA Lag Baomer Concert – Parade – Fair

Lag B’Omer marks the Yom Hilula of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who instructed that, on the day of his passing one should rejoice, for he has completed his mission which his Neshama has been sent this world to do. The

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