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Acoustic Concert With Matisyahu AT Symphony Space

When: 05-15-2011 (8:00 PM – 11:00 PM) Where: Symphony Space – UWS – Broadway and 95th st Description: Acoustic Concert With Matisyahu to Benefit Lamplighters Yeshiva and Jewish Education JUNE 15th. Location: Symphony Space, NYC Time: 8:00 p.m. Price:

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The Making of The Meshorerim Choir – Volume 2

The Meshorerim Choir is back ! Finally, after spending endless hours in the studio they are ready to release their latest achievement “Meshorerim, Volume 2″. A carefully chosen collection of thirty five of the latest chasana hits, enhanced with beautiful

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Yosef Karduner releases breathtaking acapella version of ”Shir Hamalos”

Yosef Karduner is one of the leading artists of Jewish music. Fifteen years ago he released his debut album “Simanim Baderech” which included the hit song “Shir Hamaalos”, the rest is history. The song gained worldwide attention, requested all over

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MBD Turns 60

Last night a surprise birth day party was held for the king of Jewish music Mordechai Ben David. Those who attended included; Yeedle, Michoel Schnitzler, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shraga Gold, Shloime Reichberg and Baruch Ezagui. Mazel Tov MBD here is to

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This Year Acapella is also for Kids!

After the successful series “Chassidishe Otzros”, which was created and distributed by L’chaim Music, they have done it again. There are many who have tried to fill the void of not listening to musical instruments during sefira. This year, L’chaim

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The Great Parade: The Countdown is on!

The countdown to Lag B’omer 5771 and The Great Parade on Eastern Parkway is well underway. The Marcus Brothers, known for their smash hit ‘Yalili’ have composed another hit ‘Parade, Paradin’ to promote this year’s Great Parade. It is an

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Yakir Vena releases a Acapela version of “Mimon Shemecha”

Singer Yakir Vena who just recently released his debut album Sod HaChayim in early Adar no releases a acapella single. Being that the days of Sefira we don’t listen to musical instruments Yakir wanted his fans to still be able

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Itzik Dadya “Betfila” acapella single for Sefira

After the HUGE success of his debut album “Am Israel Chai” Itzik Dadia decided its time to take it to the next level. At the request of many listeners and fans Itzik & FDD Productions offer a vocal version of

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There’s calendars for lovers of everything from Autos to Zebras…everything that is except Jewish Music. Think about it, why can’t Jewish Music fans have a calendar with 12 months of top stars to enjoy? Well as we couldn’t think of

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The Great Parade 5771 Cast UPDATE!

Tzivos Hashem has just announced some updates to The Great Parade 5771. The Date: Sunday May 22nd, 2011, Lag Ba’ Omer! The current lineup for this year is as follows: Bello the Clown: Bello Nocks, headline act of the Ringling

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