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DuDu Deri – Sameach

Just before Passover arrives, singer Dudu Deri releases a special rhythmic single that will help you be “Sameach” in honor of the chag hacheirus. This single will be on Deri’s upcoming album, his 13th album to date. Deri’s resume boasts

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Mordechai Ben David, Shloime Dachs, Yeedle, Yumi Lowy and Shira Choir At the C.C.H.F. Dinner

A Kumzits after the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Dinner, Everyone gathered around with MBD, Shloime Dachs, Yeedle, Yumi Lowy, And Shira Choir. Music by the Shloime Dachs Orchestra.

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Nachum Segal Hosts Six13 Live at JM in the AM

Nachum presented a great morning of new & live music with the members of the A Capella group Six13 on JM in the AM. Their latest CD entitled Zmanim makes its world debut today and once again the group raises

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INTREPID – Chol Hamoed Family Festival – 25% OFF GENERAL ADMISSION

INTREPID Chol Hamoed Family Festival Thursday April, 21th, 2011 Extended Hours 10am-7pm Experience this special day of Chol Hamoed activities at the largest maritime museum in New York City. ARTS & CRAFTS – MUSIC PERFORMANCES – EXPLOREUM INTERACTIVE HALL –

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Huge rally in Be’er Sheva with MBD and Yaakov Shwekey

Yud aleph nissan would have been the 109th birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe huge. In his honor a huge rally will take placein Beer Sheva. The program includes divrei Torah with a special concert starring Mordechai Ben David and Yaakov

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Ashira Lashem – Nigunei Viznitz Lechag HaPesach

Mekasz Chasidi Viznitz never stops to surprise us with great music. For the upcoming yom tov of Pesach they released a new album with the best tunes sung in the “Chatzer Kodesh” of Viznitz accompanied by a children’s choir. The

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Kumzits at Radio Kol Chai in memory of Rabbi Moshe Goldman z”l with Yossi Eisenthal & Yossi Gil on Motzash Musicali

Last Motzei Shabbos was a full year since the death of Rabbi Moshe Goldman z”l, and radio station “Kol Chai” had a special kumzits with the best melodies in memory of R’ Moshe Goldman. The program “Motzash Muzikali”, with Yossi Gil

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Six13: P-A-S-S-O-V-E-R Music Video

Mike Boxer and the talented guys of the cutting-edge Jewish a cappella group are back, and just like their first three albums, their new CD is surprising everyone yet again and re-writing the book on a cappella. Zmanim, their fourth

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Shema Koleinu – Dr. Mordechai Sobol heads to center stage

He is the one who stood behind the greatest concerts in Israel and the world. Her has directed and taught chazzanim and is considered the encyclopedia of the world of Chazzanus. Dr. Mordechai Sobel is answering his students requests as

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