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TeeM productions presents LINEUP OF A LIFETIME! MBD – FRIED – LIPA GERTNER – YEEDLE – GREEN ELI LAUFER An incredible tribute concert honoring 30 years of music from the great Moshe Laufer! Thursday evening, June 3rd at 7:45pm –

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Riverdale Jewish Music Concert!

A Night of Great Music Wednesday June 23, 2010 – featuring Shim Craimer, Netanel Hershtik and Yitzy Spinner [HT: JMR]

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Shimon Craimer’s Musical Journey

Shimon Craimer’s Musical Journey By: Sandy Eller When Jewish music’s most prolific composer takes time out of his busy day for a breakfast meeting, spending almost a full hour praising a new album that doesn’t even contain a single one

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MIAMI returns to LONDON

Shirainu Presents The European Tour Paris – June 21st Antwerp – June 27th YERACHMIEL BEGUN & THE MIAMI BOYS CHOIR RETURN TO LONDON A Sound, Stage and Dance Phenomenon Including NEW songs from Miami’s upcoming album Special Presentation of Ultimate

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Yehuda Green Melave Malka – Im Eshkachech

Yehuda Green Sings His Own Composition “Im Eshkachech” at a Melave Malka Kumzitz on Motzei Shabbo November 14th 2009 in Williamsburg.

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Nachum Segal Presents Yehuda Green’s Yearning and Live Music on JM in the AM

(from l to r: Aaron Zutler, Nechemia Soibelman, Nachum Segal, Yehuda Green & Avidan Moscovitz) Nachum had the pleasure of hosting Yehuda Green and Aaron Zutler live at JM in the AM for the official debut of Yehuda’s new CD

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Shwekey in Caesaria

Yaakov Shwekey is going to be back in Caesarea for another HUGE show.  The show is supposed to be so big that it will run 2 consecutive days July 28th and 29th, as to give more people the opportunity to

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MBD Sings in LA With The Shira Choir

Mordechai Ben David sings in Los Angeles. Accompanied by the Shira Choir At the Yeshivas Toras Emes of Los Angeles, CA Tribute dinner to Dr Nechemya “Charlie” Abbott. May16, 2010.

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