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Nachum Presents Shimon Craimer and the Official JM in the AM Debut of ‘Nashir Beyachad’

Nachum presented a great morning of live music on JM in the AM in honor of the official debut of Shimon Craimer’s new CD, “Nashir Beyachad.” They played several of the new songs and Shimon sang live in the studio.

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Exclusive: Jewish Music Distributor Breaks Ground Using New Technology [video]

New York – Pick up a copy of Lipa Schmeltzer’s new album, Meimke D’Lipa, when it appears in stores next week and you may notice a small square tag consisting of brightly colored triangles on the back of the album.

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Shalsheles & Shalsheles Junior Updates!

I just got word from Yitzchok Rosenthal of Shalsheles that the next album in the Shalsheles series “Shalsheles V” is deep in production. So much so that iy”h it will be released sometime after the summer. If yuo think Shalsheles

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Lipa Sneak Peek: Achron Achron Chaviv

photo: Eli Kaufman (KZ Creative) working on photo of Lipa Here is a one minute preview from a new song on Lipa’s CD. This is the song he sang at the Great Parade in Crown Heights. The song called “Achron

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The Storyteller Series for Children Presents: The Rescue Reward by Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky

The Rescue Reward is a true story about the Shaages Aryeh and his adopted son Refoel. The young boy is kidnapped and held in a undisclosed location. A simple tailor is put to the task of rescuing the boy and

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Who Are The Composers Behind Lipa’s New Smashing Hit?

And finally, Who Are The Composers Behind Lipa’s New Smashing Hit ? Pinky Weber, Yitzchok Landau, Yossi Green, Motty Ilowitz , Beri Weber, MBD, Shauli Grossman, Mendy Hershkowitz and Velvi Feldman

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Yavne Presents MIAMI in ANTWERP Sunday, June 27th, 2010 – 7:30pm

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Yosef Chaim, Itzik Orlev Dovid Gabay & Yeedle in Paris

Toldot Nissim presents Yosef Chaim, Itzik Orlev Dovid Gabay & Yeedle Werdyger accompanied by Hamenagnim Orchestra conducted by Moishy Roth 23 June at 19.30, at Dock Pullman, France For Information call: Email:

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Lipa Schmeltzer and Country Yossi Interview

This Thursday May 13 2010 Millennium Theater GET YOUR TICKETS AT JEWISHTICKETS.COM or CALL 718-576-1769 Don’t stand in line order now and pick them up at the door.

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Reb Shimon – Issac Honig

Here is a inspirational video dedicated to Boni Olam & A T.I.M.E. Sung By Issac Honig – Composed By Pinky Weber

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