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The Doppelt Brothers present : Dance Purim

Just in time for Purim The Doppelt Brothers present : Dance Purim. With 3 brand NEW Purim songs and 8 minute Kumzits not to mention thee world renown vocalist Unanimous. Check out the sampler below. [Audio clip: view full post

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Benny Friedman – I Believe – Rehearsal Video

Benny and the guys run through I Believe in preparation for his fourth Songs & Stories show – The Songs & Stories of Hope and Joy! The show will be at Chabad of Calabasas in California A life lived Jewishly

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Wonder if its Kosher for Pesach?

Where do you go after headlining YU, HASC,the Big Event and most every other major musical presentation for 2009/2010? If you’re the even inimitable Lipa the answer is you go to the grocery–as in launch your very own breakfast cereal…’Lipa-Loops’…crunchy

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Udi Davidi Music Video – מביטה בחלון

Udi Davidi has just released a brand new music video with music and lyrics by Udi Davidi. Directed by Simcha Lev, photo by: Amiti Eisenberg, lighting by Omri Botbol and produced by The Commune. []

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Yeshiva University Maccabeats CD Release

It’s almost here! the Maccabeats’ first CD! Here’s a taste of what you can expect. Come join us for our CD release party and free concert (March 23rd 10:51pm, YU Wilf Campus Lamport Auditorium). See you there… SPECIAL GUEST AT

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Mishenichnas Single by Yerachmiel and Gavriel

Shalom! Hope you’re feeling the happy Adar spirit. Here’s something to help you do that. This song is called Mishenichnas, by Yerachmiel and Gavriel. This is a preview of the kind of style we’re going to bring to Jewish Music

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This past Tuesday Pomegranate presented Shimmy Engel Live – Launching his New Hit Album! Shimu U’tchi – Listen & Live with Music by the Freilach Orchestra featuring Yoily Leibowitz Peste Rebbe, M.C. Below are some videos from the event.

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Amiran Dvir’s music video “Zeh Hazman”

Amiran Dvir and his entourage left for a vacation on a luxury ship Caribbean islands. One the way, like any self-respecting Jewish music artist seizing every minute, he took admirable clip invested his mast hit “Zeh Hazman”. For more about

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VIN NEWS: Chassidic Singer Michoel Schintzler Breaks Ground Again With A Full Length Music DVD

Brooklyn, NY – It is difficult to remember a time when people didn’t hire a separate singer to sing at their simchos, but it wasn’t that long ago. Until approximately twenty years ago, it was generally the keyboard player who

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Lchaim Tatte

Lchaim Tatte is the 3rd in the famous series “Lchaim Yidden” and”Lchaim Brider” by R’ Yosef Moshe Kahana of Lchaim. The album features the “baal menagen” R’ Yermia Damen and the yeled hapela Eli Streicher with arrangements by Mona Rosenblum

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