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Chaim Yisrael ‘Derech Chadasha’ a new show and single

Superstar singer CHAIM YISRAEL releases a new single in honor of his upcoming show  at the Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv, Heichal Hatarbut on Shushan Purim. [Audio clip: view full post to listen]

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Matisyahu “One Day” Remix featuring Infected Mushroom

What happens the champions of the Diaspora “Infected Mushroom” enter the studio with reggae star Matisyahu? A One Day re-mix that some say beats the original recording. Matisyahu, Sony signed is an international star and considered both a phenomenon. The

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Lipa Schmeltzer Sings Brand New Song – “Ein Git Vort” 2

On Motzei Shabbos during a Mekimi’s Anual Volunteer Reunion event, Lipa Schmeltzer surprised the audience with a brand new song. The song which is called “Ein Git Vort” will be on his upcoming album and was composed by Sholi Grossman

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Shimon Craimer – Bring Them Peace: A SONG FOR HAITI

Bring Them Peace – A Song for Haiti performed by Shim Craimer. To make a donation, and to download the MP3 of this song, go to The song was composed by Moti Cohen & Andrew Gross of London. The

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2009 Jewish Music Bloggers Award Winners!

Here are the winners for the 2009 Jewish Music Bloggers Awards. This was a really fun experience and we hope everyone had a good time talking about all the great music that came out in 2009. The overall point of

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Say Asay: Another new clip, Ashrei Mi Sample

A new week brings us a brand new sample clip from the upcoming album, Say Asay. This song is title Ashrei Mi, composed by Pinky Weber. You can download the clip here. (Hear Say Asay here, hear Hashamayim here.)

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Shabbat Chazanut with Cantors Yaakov Lemmer, Yaakov Yosef Stark and Pinchas Cohen

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND SHABBAT CHAAZNUT in association with the founders of cantors world Cantor YAAKOV LEMMER, Cantor YAAKOV YOSEF STARK, Cantor PINCHAS COHEN accompanied by the chazanut choir ensemble led by SHIMMY MILLER Parshas Teruma – February 19th-21st, 2010

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Cantor Yaakov Lemmer – V’yemalei Mishalosainu – Sampler

Cantor Yaakov Lemmer has been around the cantorial circle a lot in the last few years as well as performing around the world. Here is his debut album “V’yemalei Mishalosainu” due to hit stores next week and distributed by Niggun

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Shauli “Simcha Belibi” Promo

Just Released!!! Shauli’s Album “Simcha Belibi” to hear more music go to on facebook… Buy online at

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