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Avraham David Reveals: The Anthem That Drives The World Was Composed in Yiddish 90 Years Ago

Avraham David has it in a giant. He knows how to identify potential hits and perform them with talent. He is currently working on his second album with the production of Levik Touboul, and together, the French duo is producing

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In The Midst of The Terrorist Attack In The South: Tzach Hakim – Chayech Latikva

Singer Tzach Hakim from Rishon Letzion and a student in the Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot is releasing his second single called Chayech Latikva. His musical career started at a young age, when he was the soloist in the children’s choir

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A 72 Minute Hit! The Malchus Choir & Meir Adler Present: “Ki Anu Amecha”

A week has gone by since those historical moments that caused a storm in the Jewish world, from those 72 minutes of deep singing with the new Belz Niggun Ki Anu Amecha, composed in honor of the Admor’s daughter’s wedding.

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Udi Damari – Tavo

After writing, composing, and arranging for some of the biggest names in Jewish music, including Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey and even a duet with Chaim Yisrael titled “Melech Haolam,” Udi Damari has decided to perform and record his own songs.

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“Tzama Lecha Nafshi” Roi Harush & Itzik Orlev [Lyrical Video]

An exciting collaboration between DJ “Roi Harush” burns the expanses, and the singer whose every song has a fire in the square, “Itzik Orlev“, gave rise to a broad version that jumps to a melancholy melody. What you are going

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“Always With You” feat. Various Artist [Official Video]

Always With You, feat. Eli Marcus, Michoel Pruzansky, Shloime Gertner, Michoel Schnitzler, Beri Weber, Avraham Fried, Shmueli Ungar and Yishai Lapidot. The above artists recorded this special song for a great friend of ours, Avrumie נ״י (אברהם בן שרה טשרנא)

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“Im Eshkacheich” Gershon Veroba & Gad Elbaz [Official Music Video]

Let’s Celebrate Together… At all occasions, happy or sad, the Jewish people traditionally declare their eternal love and connection to Jerusalem, their central home, as established in writing thousands of years ago. King David wrote this definitive vow in Psalms

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The Prayer of Israel’s Defense Attorney Was Refreshed – Yonathan Shahar Seeks “Ten Koach”

Yonathan Shahar is a Breslov singer and musician from Yerushalayim. He is one of the founders of the drop in centers for Yerushalmi/Chareidi youth called Mevaser Tov. He just released a new song called Ten Koach. The words are taken

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During The Busy Wedding Season: A Fresh Version of “Bo’i B’shalom”

During the heyday of wedding season, is precisely the right time to present to you a fresh version of “Bo’i B’shalom” performed by the singer Avi Miller, to those so special words from “Lecha Dodi“, set to music with a

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Yaakov Shwekey With His 10th Album “MUSICA”

Jewish Mega-Star Yaakov Shwekey is releasing his new international album, “Musica“. In his tenth album Yaakov Shwekey is mixing up different musical styles, with upbeat hits and soulful songs in English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and Yiddish. The album was produced

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