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Naavor Gam Et Zeh – JEW2 ֻ| New Single

Naavor Gam Et Zeh is the second original single for the electro-pop group JEW2, comprised of Nati Shayish and Aviram Shokrun. JEW2 brings for the first time an electronic and modern production, with a reggaeton groove and an unusual subject

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Zanvil Weinberger – Ad Heina

Zanvil Weinberger one of the most sensational chasidish performers of today’s age started out as the lead soloist of The Malchus Choir in 2014. He’s been performing at major Events, Dinners and Simchas ever since. Now in time of his

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Harav Shloime Taussig Releases A New Single “Ein Gedila”

After the hit Mai Dehava which was very successful, R’ Shloime Taussig is coming back with another new song in anticipation of his new album. R’ Taussig turned to chassidic composer R’ Meshulem Greenberger in order to take the idea

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Elad Shaer – Koreh B’Shimcha

During this cold winter, Israeli singer Elad Shaer is releasing a new single that will definitely warm you up! The track Koreh B’Shimcha is the fruit of a joint effort by Elad Shaer together with Iti Amran who wrote the

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Yishai Ben Tzvi Releases His Second Single “Esa Einai”

After the release of his hit song Hashem Echad, the debut single that received much praise from the religious radio stations and over 100,000 views on YouTube, singer Yishai Ben Tzvi is now releasing his second single called Esa Einai.

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Shalom Brenholtz Releases Hit New Single “VeOhavta”

Singer Shalom Brenholtz is a rising star in the world of Jewish weddings, he has just released his new hit single called VeOhavta, which has taken over the dance floors in the Chassidic world in both Israel and the rest

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Aaron Razel – Zeh Ha’Eisek Shelanu

Aaron Razel has been in the music business for many years already, and in every album he releases, he totally renews his personality and identity through his music. Zeh Ha’Eisek Shelanu continues the line of thought introduced by his previous

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The Collaboration Between The Nachmanim & Elikam Buta New Available As A Remix

Here is the exciting remix of the hit song from the Nachmanim and Elikam Buta entitled “Ken Ze Rabenu“, which was one of the main songs in Uman this past Rosh Hashana. The song was remixed by DJ Alon Daniel.

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Netanel Yisrael & Sruli Broncher Release New Single + Music Video “Malka”

Tens of songs have been written about Shabbos, but when its in the hands of Netanel Yisrael and Sruli Broncher, you know something special is about to happen. The two have already managed over the past year to release a

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Chilu Genuth Releases A New Single “Tatir Tzerurah”

American singer Chilu Genuth just released his third single which features Yiddish titled “Tatir Tzerurah.” The song was composed by Bentzy German and features arrangements by Yanky Cohen. Credits: Composed By Bentzy German Arranged By Yanky Cohen Guitars By Avi

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