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Moshe Klein – Davar Na’eh Umiskabel

Singer Moshe Klein is releasing his debut single called Davar Na’eh Umiskabel. Klein began his musical path while he was just a boy, his vocal quality and energy turned him into one of the top and most requested singers. The

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“Ameileim BaTorah” The Debut Single From Singer Kobi Viner

For 13 years already he has almost nightly performed in the public sphere, but Kobi Viner is only just releasing his first single now. He performs as a singer and a keyboardist. The composition was by Avremi Shapiro, and arranged

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Yossef Abadi With A Winter Rock Ballad “Avi Shebashamayim”

Yossef Abadi is opening up the winter season with a rock ballad called Avi Shebashamayim. He has already teamed up with some of the best lyricists and composers, but now he jumped into the deep waters and did the work

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Ariel Zino – Or Ha’Emet

From a young age, Ariel Zino learned with some of the best Paytanim in Israel and throughout the world and became a Chazzan in a Shul in Netivot. Ariel is now releasing his first single at 20 years old called

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Tenor Productions “Bikashti”

If you’ve heard anything in Jewish music over the past 20 years, you’ve definitely heard at some point a vocal track of Motty Rottler. There’s almost no album that doesn’t have his vocal flavor on it. In honor of his

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Shlomo Minnes – Eich HaOlam Mistovev

For a long time, the soul has been yearning for something new, a song to nurture the heart and to instill happiness and emotion as one. The soul has been searching for a tune to take everywhere it goes, a

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Shmuel Harrari – Rock Medley 2016

After winning Hakol Habah, the program for revealing young talent on Radio Kol Chai, singer Shmuel Harrari is bursting out into his promising solo career, and is releasing a rock medley from the album Lirkod Lelo Hafsakah, a special disc

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Hosha Na – Udi Ullman

In anticipation of Hoshana Rabbah, Chazan Dovid Ullman composed a new tune for the words Hosha Na Lemaan Achitach, the Piyut which is said on the first day of Succos during Hoshanos. Chazan Ullman was accompanied by the Yedidim Choir,

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Special For Simchas Torah: “Toras Hashem Temima” Avremi Roth & Yeshivat Mercaz Harav

It is almost Erev Simchas Torah, and thus, the end and the beginning of the cycle of Krias Ha’Torah, singer Avremi Roth, together with the students of the High School of Yeshivat Mercaz Harav, are releasing a single, composed by

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Ata V’chartonu – Avraham Fried – SHIR 2

There is no need to introduce the hit songs “V’searev“, “Etz Chaim” or “Im Hashem Lo Yivne Bais“.. All these and many more hit songs were released last year in the album “Shir” All composed by R’ Shlomo Yehuda, who

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