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“Shmili Steinmetz” The English Star who’s Amazing Voice Will Take You By Storm

Gone are the days where you could count good Jewish singers on one hand. The market today is flooded with heimishe singers of every type and stripe. Yet rare is the singer who has managed to capture the hearts and

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Shalsheles Releases New Single For Aseres Yemei T’shuva “Avinu Malkeinu”

Shalsheles is back. Their last release “Shalsheles Connections” featured an all-star cast that won the hearts of music fans world wide. It also laid the groundwork for the all new full Shalsheles album that is currently in the works. Now

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Get Ready For the New Hot From Uman 5777 “Ken Ze Rabenu”

With just a few days left to Rosh Hashana and the beginning of people traveling to Uman, here is this year’s Uman song, Ken Zeh Rabenu. After their tremendous success with the album Rak Rotzim Lirkod, the Nachmanim group did

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Nachman Baumel – Ein Etzev

Anyone who has been around in the past year in the Chassidish wedding scene, has definitely heard the name Nachman Baumel. His first single is called Ein Etzev, based on the words of the Chazon Ish. This amazing song was

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Gam Ki Eilech Music Video – Hebro (Raphael Fulcher)

Artist- Raphael ‘Hebro’ Fulcher Video Production- yFilms (Yissi Freeman) Audio Mixing & Recoding- Gold Record Studio (Jason Goldglancz) [email protected] Mastering: Jake Antelis

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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb “Zochreinu”

Singer and musician R’ Mordechai Gottlieb and his friends released a song and a clip today specially for Rosh Hashana called Zochreinu Lechayim. The clip was filmed in his Yerushalayim courtyard. He has composed tens of special compositions over the

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Chaim Israel With A Moving Ballad “Av Harachaman”

Every year around the Yomim Noraim Chaim Israel releases a new single, and this year’s ballad is called Av Harachaman, which was composed by Moshe Margaliyot spontaneously after davening at Rachel Imeinu’s kever. It was arranged and produced by Eran

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Benny – B’sefer Chaim (Single)

With the advent of the brand new year of 5777, Benny Friedman Benny Friedman releases a melodious good year wish to the community, an upbeat song called “B’sefer Chaim.” “Lchaim, Lchaim, Lchaim Tovim…” goes the refrain, and Benny hopes the

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Uzi Bodner – Refaeinu – New Single

“If words are the pen of the heart, then song is the pen of the soul” (Rabbi Schneur Zelman of Liadi) Songs can wait for years until the right singer comes along. It waits until a singer that appreciates a

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Gershon Veroba “Rabi Nachman” feat Micha Gamerman

Gershon Veroba is just weeks away from releasing an all-new album, his biggest ever. “Ani Yisrael” features world class hit composers and guest stars like Ari Goldwag, Elie Schwab, Simcha Krancer, Gad Elbaz and others. With the fast approaching holiday

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