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Tzemed Yeled Releases New Single!

The group Tzemed Yeled, produced by Arie Hantz has received millions of views on YouTube for their performances of Matanot Ketanot and Modeh Ani. The pair, originally comprised of Daniel Kreitenberger and Dvir Tik have performed in many venues across

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Micha Gamerman Cries To The Heavens “Essa Einai”

The last few years have been very challenging for the Jews of the world. One almost doesn’t want to hear the latest news for fear of hearing about tragedies. A day doesn’t go by where some terrible story goes around

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The Moetzet Hosts Singolda “Kanfei Ruach”

“בן אָדָם, עֲלֵה לְמַעְלָה עֲלֵה. כִּי כּחַ עַז לְךָ, יֵשׁ לְךָ כַּנְפֵי רוּחַ, כַּנְפֵי נְשָׁרִים אַבִּירִים, אַל תְּכַחֵשׁ בָּם, פֶּן יְכַחֲשׁוּ לְךָ, דְּרוֹשׁ אוֹתָם וְיִמָּצְאוּ לְךָ מִיָּד…” One of the most exciting and special sayings from Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen

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Gabriel Tumbak Releases Stunning Chuppa Parody “Boee Kalah”

Hot off the heels of his latest single “Mode Ani,” which was released just two weeks ago and already has over 24,000 views on Youtube, French singer Gabriel Tumbak release yet another single titled “Boee KallahBoee Kallah.” A year ago

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SHUKY “Kulam Rokdim” [Official Lyrics Video]

Jewish singer Shuky is back! Shuky, who is from Florida, fresh off the release of this years debut album release of the hit “Yamim Baim” which had a lot of success on the Radio in Israel, the USA and France.

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In The Midst of Summer Tour: Avishai Rosen Releases The Single “Le’An”

After the wild success of his album “Mi ShAni Achshav“, and a week and a half until he enters Yeshiva Gavoha, Avishai Rosen is releasing his new single “Le’an” which is based off his experiences from growing from a young

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Netanel Yisrael & Sruli Brochner – “Chamutz Matok”

The people responsible for this surprise are Netanel Yisrael and Sruli Broncher. It seems as if the duo never stops working and this time, they are sending us something refreshing for the hot summer. The jolting song sends a clear

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Elikam Buta – Tachshov Tov

After his two enormous hits “Halayla” and “Chozer Ha’Bayta”, singer Elikam Buta is already releasing his third single from his upcoming album. “Tachshov Tov” is an upbeat song, which has an optimistic and positive message. The lyrics are from a

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Following the success off his hit single ODEH released this winter, Yoni Z teams up with LEVYTICUS to produce the summer encore remix. ODEH – Yoni Z Remix – LEVYTICUS

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Eli Begun – Shabbos Hayom

Eli Begun, son of the iconic Yerachmiel Begun, arrived on the Jewish music scene just a few months back with his poignant, critically acclaimed composition “We Must Go On“, a powerful and touching song and music video. Eli, a multi-talented

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