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Yitzy Kaplowitz Releases Debut Single “Refaeinu”

This song was written in the merit that my dear friend Refael Daniel Mordechai ben Chaya Shifra will have a quick and complete Refuah Shleimah. Please daven for Refael Daniel among Cholei Yisrael.

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Akiva Gelb Releases New Single “B’chol Yom”

A new Hartzig and warm song has been released to the world, that would capture people’s heart and soul to bring them closer to Hashem. By the name Bechol Yom – Bas Kol. The words are based on a Zohar

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Avromi Spitz – Redemption Today – נחמו

Composed and performed By: Avromi Spitz Produced By: Nochi Krohn Drums & Bass: Vlad Guitars: Avromi Spitz, Aryeh Kunstler, Nochi Krohn Violin: Betzalel Levin Keyboards & Backup Vocals: Nochi Krohn נַחֲמוּ, נַחֲמוּ עַמִּי יֹאמַר אֱלֹהֵיכֶם. דַּבְּרוּ עַל-לֵב יְרוּשָׁלִַם וְקִרְאוּ אֵלֶיהָ

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Yoely Weiss – I Love Hashem

A new Kumzits song has hit the world with the name “I Love Hashem“. The words are from the holy Reb Nachman in his sefer Meshivas Nufesh, The song is composed by Shlomo Nechemya Rosenberg, and sung by the famous

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Shuva – A.K.A. Pella & Shlomo Sonnenberg [Vocal Edition]

Less than a month ago a single was release for a new organization called “THE SHUVA PROJECT.” THE SHUVA PROJECT was created to raise awareness of what it truly means for a family to experience a terror attack and to

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Eliran Elbaz & Elad Shaer Accapella Version of “Machrozot L’Ema”

With the 3 weeks well underway, Eliran Elbaz is launching a special vocal version to his single “Machrozot L’Ema” which was released a few months ago and has seen great success. Elbaz hosts singer Elad Shaer, and together, they perform

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Sharon Avilchak – Rega Yashan Acapella

With the start of Bein HaMetzrim, a time of introspection and increased ahavas chinam, Sharon Avilchak is releasing a special vocal edition of the song “Rega Yashan” This song, performed with Avilchak’s uncle Shimon Asher, is especially appropriate for this

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Meydad Tasa Releases New Single “Yismach Chatani”

Just 4 days ago, Meydad Tasa, the hit mizrachi/chasidic super star, released his single called Boee Kallah. Boee Kallah is a chuppa song that he produced himself and composed with his brother Eldad, a song that has been very warmly

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Beri Weber | “רבינו” – “Uman iz Geshein” | בערי וובר

So many of us are simply seeking Emes and are desperately clinging to a truth to nourish our parched souls. We are tired and oh so weary of deception and hypocrisy that ultimately leaves us with a gaping inner emptiness.

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Netanel Israel & Sruli Broncher “Hakol Oveir”

Only 2 weeks have passed since the launch of the first clip by the surprising duo Netanel Yisrael and Sruli Broncher and they are already releasing their second. This time, they chose to cover a special song by artist and

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