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The New Single From “Ketzele”

Yaakov Katz Ketzele is an incredibly busy man. He has his name attached to a number of major projects in Israel, he established many settlements, created media outlets, and has been heavily involved in Israeli politics, and very frequently travels

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Zevi Kaufman Releases New Single For Purim “LECH K’NOS” Feat. Moshe Tischler

A product of unity itself, this fresh track is a new take on the words of the Megillah, and will be sure to transport you back through time to experience for yourself, the drama and hidden miracle of our salvation

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Itzik Orlev Releases New Single “Nafalti Kamti”

Itzik Orlev is releasing a brand new exciting single called Nafalti Kamti. It has an oriental sounding rhythm. Click PLAY below to hear the song [Audio clip: view full post to listen]

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New Single from 8th Day “Hakhel”

A project of and 8th Day Written and composed by Shmuel Marcus Produced and arranged by Bentzi Marcus Instrumentation, clarinet, sax and synth arrangements by Leo Chelyapov. Mix and master: Matt Thorn Cover design: Sruly Meyer Special thanks to

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Gershy Schwarcz & Sruli Present A New Song “VeUhavtu” By Meielch Kohn

Meilech was eating in Jerusalem on Shabbos by the famous Tzadik Rav Mencer Shlit”a. While they were singing the Shabbos Zemiros together, the Rav asked from Meilech to compose words to the song “Galus Galus” from Kaluv about Ahavas Yisroel.

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A New Chupa Song From A New Artist: Raphael Ben – Peninim

Raphael Ben, who was recently engaged, is releasing a Chuppah style song, called Peninim. The song was the handiwork of him and his friend Ari Gottholf. At age 6 Raphael began singing at family events, by age 12 he became

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Mendy Jerufi With A New Single In Honor Of Rosh Chodesh Adar II “Marbim B’Simcha”

Mendy Jerufi just released a brand new exciting song called Marbim B’Simcha in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar and the spirit of Purim. Mendy composed the song himself and it was arranged by Ami Cohen. Click PLAY below to hear

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Naftali Kempeh Releases New Single “Nigun Viduy”

“This is a very simple Niggun, and some will say its even too simple, but it came out through me at the time of my mother’s passing, as I was standing beside her bed, and I feel that I must

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Chaim Mayesz & Araleh Shapiro – Tatteh Mir Hoben Dir Leib

Singer Chaim Mayesz is back with an all new single featuring newcomer Araleh Shapiro, the single is titled “Tatteh Mir Hoben Dir Leib.” The song is a rhythmic dance hit cover of the golden oldie called “Shmona Aleinu” originally recorded

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New Free Purim Song “Mishe” By Yisroel Tzvi!!!!!

Just in time for Purim we got this new FREE single from newcomer Yisroel Tzvi with the song “Mishe NichnasMishe Nichnas.” Produced and recorded by LittleBoxRecords in Jerusalem, Israel.

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