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The Newest Musical Mishloach Manot From Aaron Razel “Mizmor Letoda”

Singer and songwriter Aaron Razel just released a new Purim song that he composed the words of “Mizmor Letoda”, plus an explanation of why he composed a song specifically to these words. Aaron spends every year releasing a new song

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“Hinei Hinei” The New Hit Song From Yoni Shlomo

In honor of Adar and after a number of days in the studio, French singer Yoni Shlomo is releasing a new single called Hinei Hinei. The single is the first taste of his upcoming album, due out before Shavuous, and

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New Single From Hillel Kapnick – Yisgaber K’ari

Written after the tragic passing away of Ari Levin, this song is a reminder that if we all strengthen ourselves like Ari would strengthen himself throughout the day, and how he worked so hard to strengthen others, we can make

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The Tish of the Year: For the first time ever, Viznitz Choir Meets Yoeli Klein & Ari Reich In A New Hit single “Bo Dveikim”

Destined to take the Jewish music world by storm, “Bo Dveikim” is a powerful new single from Yoeli Klein (“Vi’afilu Bihastara”), together with wonder child Ari Reich and the legendary Vizhnitz Choir. “The melody is composed of two parts, composed

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Singer/Songwriter Naftali Blumenthal Releases Debut Single/Music Video S.O.S (Source of Strength)

Jewish music and its styles have definitely grown and evolved over the years. Today, listeners Baruch Hashem have a wide variety of styles, from 8th day’s unique, fresh sound of blending both English and Yiddish lyrics to the Chassidic stylings

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Addictive! The Voice Finalist Ayal Cohen With A Lively Soing “Ba’Makom” [Music Video]

Singer Ayal Cohen, who performed spectacularly on the show The Voice, is hard at work nowadays on his upcoming debut album. He has already released two singles, and is now releasing his third, called Ba’Makom, together with a music video.

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Singer Netanel Yisrael & Composer Sruly Brochner In An Interesting Collab “Geshem Shel Or”

Netanel Yisrael and Sruly Brochner teamed up to produce this new single, Geshem Shel Or. The two of them are also working hard on Netanel’s upcoming album. They have been spread out over the studio consoles working on different arrangement

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Another Purim Funk Masterpiece From Singer/Songwriter “Yerachmiel “

Another Purim Funk Masterpiece from Yerachmiel Check out lot’s of great more purim tunes on Support the artists you love, and help them continue to make music by purchasing an album!

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JEW2 With A New Single “Afilu B’hastara” Like You’ve Never Heard It Before!

After hearing tens of other covers of the widely popular song “Afilu B’hastara,” the group JEW2 is now releasing a brand new version of the hit song. After they released their first and second singles, Am Yisrael Chai and the

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Yaakov Feldstein Wows the Music World Yet Again with his New Hit, “Speak To The World”

After Yaakov inspired crowds around the globe with his song, “More Light“, he’s back with “Speak To The World“, a rocking new song which tells that very story while continuing to empower people to change the world. The previous single

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