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The Exciting New Hit From Yosef Karduner “Ki Sa’avor B’Mayim”

The lyrics to this song come from special Pesukim that both begin and end with the letter Chaf from sefer Yeshaya, and some Siddurim have them printed to be said on Motzei Shabbos. The rest of the lyrics are from

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The Band “Kaveret” Is Goin Uman – Itzik Dadya With A New Single For Rosh Hashanah

As every year, the approach of the month of Elul and the High Holy Days, singer Itzik Dadya releases a new “Breslov” song. Two years ago, Dadya introduced the Jewish music world to the hit “Rabbi Nachman” which went on

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Chaim Bar With A New Single L’kovid Rabbi Nachman From Breslov – Gam Hashanah

Here is the hit song for the upcoming celebrations in Uman this coming Rosh Hashana. Mediterranean singer Chaim Bar is releasing his upbeat song in honor of Rabbi Nachman from Breslov and in honor of the upcoming Rosh Hashana, for

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“Toda” Roi Yadid & Meydad Tasa In A Duet

There are those who recognize the song “Todah” as one of the songs from the first album of Roi Yadid, but Roi and his promotion manager Noam Chait felt that the song Todah which was composed by Yishai Ribo while

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The New Summer Hit From Avraham Fried: “Yerushalayim Ba’Leiv”

The first time that Avraham Fried sang the song Rak Tefillah, the famous and beloved Israeli song, it is remembered to many as the moment that proved that powerful words take on new meaning when sung by a truly soulful

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Shlomo Zalman Horowitz – Nachamu Nachamu Ami

Singer Shlomo Zalman Horowitz just released a new song special for the Shabbos following Tisha B’Av titled “Nachamu Nachamu Ami.” The melody was composed by Anshey Friedman with music arranged by producer Ruli Ezrachi featuring choir by Shira Choir and

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Cantor Tzvi Weiss With A New Singlee “Boee Be’shalom”

Cantor Tzvi Weiss Cantor Tzvi Weiss (29), is a graduate of the Tel Aviv Cantor Institute which is managed by Cantor Naftali Hershtick, student of Dr. Mordechai Sobol and the greatest of this generation’s cantors, Moshe Shtern. Amongst other things,

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Composer Moshe Petel Presents: “Al Mishmarti” A Unique Single Featuring Singer Yoni Shlomo

After releasing the sweeping hit Kulanu Achim, Moshe Petel is surprising us with another original song called Al Mishmarti A’Amodah, performed by the French singer Yoni Shlomo, arranged and produced by Yoely Dickman. This is the second single from an

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Yismach Chatani – Udi Davidi With A New Hit That Won’t Stop Making You Happy!

Singer Udi Davidi is releasing another single in advance of his 7th album, which is soon on the way. After the song Reu B’Ori which was released about 2 months ago, and received much success together with its video clip,

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Sagi Shalom With A New Single “Emes”

Here is the first single from the project “LaHafoch Et Ha’Olam“, from the chabad singer Sagi Shalom. The song was written with a lot of happiness and joy, but on the other hand, with a longing for Moshiach. This will

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