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Tzemed Yeled# Release A New Single “Matanot Ketanot”

Tzemed Yeled, one of the most talented and prominent Jewish children duo’s is back with an all new single, the second since the release of their debut single “Yeled.” This time the duo is covering one of the hit songs

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“Lo Tirah” Motty Munk Releases His Debut Single

Singer Motty Munk is the Ben Zekunim of Binyamin Munk, the head Chazzan of the city Cologne in Germany, and the brother of musician Yisrael Munk who unfortunately passed away two years ago under tragic circumstances. Moty is a member

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Nesanel Yisrael Releases His First Single From The New Music Label “YoYo”

He has been singing and performing since the young age of 14, and has already released an album and several singles. He even managed to participate in the Israeli singing competition “Kochav Nolad“, but resigned for personal reasons in the

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NACHAS Releases New Single & Video “Oh My Gosh!”

Oh My Gosh! Every time a bomb goes off, these words resonate in our very minds and souls. Hashem will only end this golus when we feel it and pray for it from the deepest part of our hearts. In

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The Wach Family With Their Sixth Album “Leil Avraham”

The Wach family is a family of 11 children, boys and girls who sing together. Over the course of the past 15 years, the family has released 5 albums, which had tremendous success. They are now working on their sixth

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The Hit Of The Summer: Ruli Dikman “Rabois Bonois”

Ruli Dikman is a rising star in the world of weddings and Chassidic music. “Rabois Bonois” is the second single to be released off his upcoming debut album. The song’s lyrics are from Mishlei. The words have been put for

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Directly From France: Dovid Lusky’s Debut Single – “Yachad”

Singer Dovid Lusky (24) a native of Paris, France, has already managed to conquer the stage at weddings and events among the Jews of France. Ahead of the wedding season, and in light of the wonderful unity of the people

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Lenny Solomon – Am Yisrael Lanetzach [Official Video]

A new song written and performed by Lenny Solomon in honor of the soldiers, and inspired by the acts of kindness by Israelis and people all over the world who support them. Music and Lyrics by Lenny Solomon Word assistance

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Eytan – No More

No More is a soulful tribute for Naftali, Eyal and Gilad, the three kidnapped and killed Israeli teenagers and for all the fallen soldiers who risked their lives protecting others. Composed by: Sarah Dukes Vocals by: Eytan Mixed & Mastered

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Cry For “Yerushalayim” Nissim stand’s up for Jerusalem and all of Israel

SEATTLE, WA, August 6, 2014: Amongst the anti-Israel sentiment that surrounds modern pop culture and what feels like most artists; the delusion of Israeli occupation, misguidance, and outright lies, rap artist Nissim seeks to bring a message of tachles, purpose

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