Back to homepageItzik Dadya Releases A New Single “Ten Chiyouch”
Prior to the releasing his third album entitled”Mechaven El Haor“, Chasidic & Mizrahi singer Itzik Dadya released his fourth single called “Ten Chiyouch” which is particularly suitable for the summer ahead. When Itzik released the exciting song “Im Eshkocheich Yerushalayim”
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This coming year will mark 13 years of four members of the band Kinderlach and celebrate they will celebrate their Bar Mitzvah. In honor of this occasion the band just released a new single called “Shir Bar Mitzvah – Hayom
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The great success of Amiran Dvir and his orchestra has been going strong for the past two decades worldwide. Every now and then Amiran releases special flashes from the studio, like the Penguin Dance that was released over the winter
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The song was made as a first project for Moshe Milstein and for a lot of others involved, showing some fresh faces in the industry including the lead vocalist Raphael Benizri. Listen to its new style music and different style
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Ruvi Elbaz just released his debut song, a vocal cover of the popular song “Hoyu Mishtagim” (AKA Mesikus Hatorah) composed by Rabbi Hillel Palai original recorded by Yisroel Werdyger. Ruvi Elbaz the grandson of Rabbi Reuven Elbaz has not yet
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The “Harmonia” choir is comprised of some of the older boys of the Peduel Yeshiva, who are old friends from the time they were children. They are very popular on the wedding circuit. Also on their musical resume is the
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