Chaim Israel with a NEW single “Menorah” composed for Chabad

Israeli superstar Chaim Israel released a new single for chasidei chabad. Three months back Chaim Israel visited Ukraine to visit the kever of the Ba’al Hatanya. While there, he stayed for shabbos in the house of the Rav of the Kahal R’ Shmuel Kaminetzky and learned about all the good Chabad does for people all over the world. Chaim made a promise to compose a song highlighting all the good Chabad does worldwide. Today he fulfills this promise with this new single “Menorah”. The lyrics were written by Chaim himself under the guidance of R’ Shmuel Kaminetzky and composed by Rami Raba. As a added bonus, the community children’s choir participates in this song and the son of Rabbi Reuven Kamenetsky.
Chaim, in the coming week will fly a special concert Saturday night in honor of Hanukkah community.
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