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Chasdei Hashem | Simcha Jacoby [Mordechai Shapiro Cover]

Chasdei Hashem | Simcha Jacoby [Mordechai Shapiro Cover]

Simcha Jacoby is back with another cover, Chasdei Hashem! Originally sung by Mordechai Shapiro, this majestic song was featured on his second album, Machar. The music was written by master composer Baruch Levine, and the words are a beautiful praise to Hashem. Simcha brings this hidden gem into the limelight with his own unique style and arrangement.
Enjoy the magical views of Yerushalayim while listening to Simcha’s exquisite range and harmonies!

Music & vocals recorded and arranged by: Simcha Jacoby @ B’simcha Studios, Toronto, Canada
Composed by: Baruch Levine
Originally recorded by: Mordechai Shapiro
Filmed by: 1st Shot Studios, Jerusalem, Israel

To contact Simcha:
[email protected]

חסדי ה’ עולם אשירה לדור ודור הודיע אמונתך בפי
כי אמרתי עולם חסד יבנה

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