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Chasdei Lev Presents: Benny & Shulem – The Rebbi’s Medley (Featuring The Songs Of Yitzy Waldner)

Chasdei Lev Presents: Benny & Shulem – The Rebbi’s Medley (Featuring The Songs Of Yitzy Waldner)

Chasdei Lev is proud to announce the release of “The Rebbi’s Medley” featuring the songs of Yitzy Waldner, performed by the globally renowned Shulem Lemmer and Benny Friedman; and a dynamic music video to accompany it. For the past five years, Chasdei Lev has collaborated with some of the biggest names in Jewish music and released one original song each year, featuring positive messages about our Rebbeim and Mechanchim to help promote the wonderful work they do. These songs have swiftly become a treasured part of the lives of yidden around the world.

In a unique spin this year, Chasdei Lev brought Shulem and Benny together – in what is their first ever recorded duet – to bring something bigger than just a new song to market. Chasdei Lev’s goal is that everyone enjoying this year’s medley and video should recognize the multitude of efforts that our mechanchim invest into each of our own families. Please continue to help their mission of enhancing the lives of the 8000+ families of Rebbeim and Mechanchim by sharing this new release, enjoying it, and by  continuing to support Chasdei Lev

The Yitzy Waldner Medley
Produced by Yechiel Schron
Sung by Shulem Lemmer and Benny Friedman
Songs composed and directed by Yitzy Waldner
English songs lyrics by Miriam Israeli
Arranged by Shea Kaller
Music by Shea Kaller Band
Vocals recorded at DeG Studios, Brooklyn, NY & Studio 6, Lakewood, NJ
Mixed and mastered by Yaniv Balas
Artwork by Thinkink Creations
Video Produced by Crunchtime Media

Original Song Releases:
00:00 Kol Hamelamed (2019) by Shmueli Ungar
01:29 Thank you Rebbi (2021) by Benny Friedman
03:44 My Dear Rebbi (2019) by Benny Friedman and Yitzy Waldner
05:48 It’s A Rebbi’s Life (2021) by Benny Friedman
07:22 Rebbi, It’s All From You! (2023) by Benny Friedman
08:47 Moireh Rabbach (2023) by Shea Berko

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