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Chasoif (Cover) Yoel Shia Weiss feat. Yaron Gershovsky

Chasoif (Cover) Yoel Shia Weiss feat. Yaron Gershovsky

Chanukah! Everyone’s favorite time of year!
From family parties to sitting with the family around the Menorah and singing songs of Chanukah, there’s just something so special about this Yomtov.

There is one Chanukah song in particular that I’ve always loved, so I decided to do a cover of it, and I’m so happy to share it with you.
Joining me on the piano is the world famous pianist Yaron Gershovsky, that brought so much warmth to this song.

Ah Freilchen Chanukah! Oh – and make sure to subscribe 🙂

Performed by: Yoel Shia Weiss
Produced by: SolBlum
Originally sung by: Yaakov Shwekey
Composed by: Baruch Levine
Music by: Yaron Gershovsky
Recorded at Vibromonk Studios
Mixed by: Aba Berkowitz
Video Production by: TwoTone Media

A special thanks to Reb Hershel Rosenberg, Aba Berkowitz & Leiby Scher

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