“Or Chozer” Oran Tzur Releases His First Single From His Upcoming Album

Violinist Oran Tzur is moving up on stage. His musical career began at age 21 as one of the founders of the Galilean folk band Eisev Bar. Afterwards, he continued to learn music in Berkely college in Boston, returned to Israel, began playing Irish music with a different band, started to become frum, and then he succeeded in establishing a reputation as one of the more interesting and modern musicians in Jewish Israeli music.
About a year ago he began working on his first album as a composer/singer/guitarist with musical producer Shachar Kaufman in the Shoham studios in Rosh Ha’Pina. Now, the first song from the album is being released as single, called “Or Chozer”. The lyrics of the song attempt to portray the experience of a person who is tested and continues to choose the path of good even when he is not feeling inspiration. The musical style was written from the folk British-American style of the 70’s, and it is based on a soft and peaceful acoustic guitar style as well.
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