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The New Chuppah Hit From Eli Dachs & Akiva Elbogen “Hu Yivarech”

The New Chuppah Hit From Eli Dachs & Akiva Elbogen “Hu Yivarech”

Rising star on the Jewish music scene Eli Dachs a mesivta of Waterbury alumni, teamed up with Akiva Elbogen and wrote a gorgeous new different chuppah song titled “Hu Yivarech.” The pair brought the song to producer Aryeh Kuntzler and he put his magic touches on the masterpiece!!

Composed by: Eli Dachs & Akiva Elbogen
Produced & recorded by: Aryeh Kuntzler

Tags assigned to this article:
Akiva ElbogenEli DachsHu Yivarech

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