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Message From the Publisher
(by Country Yossi)

Hi Everybody,
It’s been said you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression – but as the multi-talented, multi-faceted Gershon Veroba has discovered, you do get a first chance to make a second impression. His new stellar CD “Second Impressions” has revolutionized the Jewish music industry and virtually single-handedly turned musical adaptation from ‘fun’ to a science! Along the way he has synthesized meaningful Jewish-themed lyrics with flawless musical and vocal recreations of popular American favorites to virtually create a new genre of music – “American Jewish Pop” – which is the culmination of his lifelong musical odyssey. His aim: To create a Jewish pop musical genre without putting our Jewish identity at risk. His success will be evident to all who hear it with open hearts and minds.

You will be amazed at our exclusive inside story of his quest for perfection, which star performers he chose to join him for this project and why, and what he hopes to achieve. Gershon Veroba has been around for a long time; and based on his latest production, With G-d’s help he’ll be a driving, innovative, creative force for many more years to come.

R’ Shmuel (Shmelkie) Brazil and R’ Abish Brodt have been producing classical, hartzig niggunim together as Regesh for over 20 years now. In that time they’ve released 10 bestselling Regesh albums with a compendium of songs so popular that many have become standards in almost every Jewish home the world over. From this talented duo, thankfully, comes Regesh 11! Almost 5 years in the making, it features ten unforgettable new songs written by the master himself and performed to perfection by Abish, the “sweet singer” of Regesh. We are proud and pleased to have been given that rare opportunity to speak to them about their powerful new CD – “Yesod Hachassidus!”

We also feature a beautifully written piece by Shloimy Ash in memory of our dear friend Izzy Taubenfeld, a’h, who will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Important Announcement
In our never-ending quest to constantly improve our rating system and make it as fair and unbiased as possible, we have revamped our system and redesigned our page layout. We have reduced our focus from the Top Ten to the Top Three bestselling Jewish CDs and DVDs. However, in order to avoid errors and claims of prejudice or favoritism, we have asked 7 major retail Jewish music outlets to give us their top 3 bestsellers each month based on actual sales in their computers. These stores represent 7 distinct neighborhoods in NYC and obviously their lists will differ reflecting their customers’ particular musical tastes. These lists will be printed exactly as submitted by these stores. These lists will not reflect sales in other neighborhoods, cities or countries (Israel!). They are meant as entertainment and guides to what’s hot in Jewish Music today in New York. We hope you will find this information helpful in your Jewish music choices.

Wishing you a chag sameach,
Your friend
Country Yossi

For more please visit

Cover concept and design by IntelligentNoise

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Country YossiGershon VerobaSecond Impressions

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