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The Creators Of V’Afilu B’Hastura Release A New Hit In Honor Of Those Going To Uman

The Creators Of V’Afilu B’Hastura Release A New Hit In Honor Of Those Going To Uman

In anticipation of Rosh Hashana, which is coming closer and closer, and people are flying to Uman by the tens of thousands, singer Yoely Klein, together with composer Shaya Gross went into the recording studio, and together created a new song with the words of R’ Nachman from Breslov on the topic of Rosh Hashana in Uman.

After getting everyone’s attention last year with their hit V’Afilu B’Hastura, they are sure to do the same again this year with this song. Shea Gross himself did the production on the song, and the musical arrangement was done by the talented Yanky Cohen. Guitars were by Yoely Gross.

The song was produced with assistance from the Ohr Ha’Tzaddik Kollel in Williamsburg.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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