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Demian Kaus – Hashibenu Now Available Online! + Audio Sampler

Demian Kaus – Hashibenu Now Available Online! + Audio Sampler

Last week we introduced you to a new singer from Buenos aires, Argentina named Demian Kaus. Kaus just released his debut album entitled “HASHIBENU“, made of music of his own from psukim from torah, tehilim and chazal. All of the music on this debut album was created by Demian. Played, arranged and recorded as well, by him in his studio in Buenos Aires.
For the “HASHIBENU” Demian played several instruments such as guitars, bass, drums, piano/keyboards, synthesizers, ukulele, mandolin, percussion and of course, vocals.

Demian’s goal is to give listeners some new refreshing sound to Jewish music and share his gifts with the people, because he loves making music.
Demian is currently working on his second album, writing and recording to release it in the close future.

The album is NOW available online on either iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon

Click PLAY below to hear a sampler of the album

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Demian KausHashibenu

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