DOV: The Gift

by yossi | August 31, 2010 10:15 pm


A star of the professional Jewish music scene for over 10 years (Kol Zimra, Shabbatones, B’samim, Tizmoret) DOV brings his talents, unique style, and extraordinary voice to his first studio album.

A vocalist first and foremost, DOV recognizes the need for quality music to be used as a tool to inspire today’s Jewish youth. Merging biblical texts with contemporary pop sounds, his album is like none other. As the first contemporary Jewish pop album, DOV: The Gift will delight audiences of all ages. DOV: The Gift highlights universal themes, such as the awesome power of prayer (ASEI), belief in G-d (SHIR HAMA’ALOT), and the safety of the men and women who defend our homeland, Eretz Yisroel (HU YIVARECH). The album title (The Gift), which is also the name of the final tack on the CD, was chosen because as each of us knows, we must always be grateful for the things that truly matter in life.

“To make the most of this world that I live in, I’ll do the best with all the gifts I’ve been given. And I won’t make a list, of all the things I’m not. I’ll rise above what brings me down, with the gifts that I’ve got.”

The album is available through SameachMusic and can be purchased on

For more on DOV visit his website[1]

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