by yossi | June 12, 2022 10:07 am
After the smashing success of his viral song Matanot, Dovid is back with a new single!
Over the last few years Dovid has been working on releasing his own music, and with songs like, Matanot, Zeh Tov, and Zchuto it is clear that Dovid has made his mark on the Jewish music world.
Now he is back with a new hit single- Bou Nirkod, which Dovid describes as the best one yet! A song portraying the excitement of a Chatan on the day of his wedding with an unexpected twist and how it all comes together. This song, set in the majestic Peruvian mountains, with unparalleled views is sure to get you moving! Bou Nirkod!
Composed by Yudi Sinai & Avi Soli
Produced and arranged by Eliya Netaneli
Guitars by Noam Chargol
Vocals Recorded at Itamar Shakdi studios
Mixed & Mastered by Adi Perez
Produced and filmed by Cusco Audiovisual
Production assistance by Nativa Expeditions
Extra assistance Jimmy Perez
Choreography: Juanca Chacon (Team Ferox)
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