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Dovy Meisels & Mordechai Kohn With A Heartwarming New Music Video: Vhuseir

Dovy Meisels & Mordechai Kohn With A Heartwarming New Music Video: Vhuseir

Every Friday night, Klal Yisroel recites a beautiful tefillah in the zmiros that, while sometimes overlooked, holds profound meaning. As the Shabbos candles flicker in the background, these heartfelt words are a plea to Hashem, asking for protection, health, and sustenance for ourselves and our families. This tefillah, with its message of hope, is a comforting reminder of healing, even in the darkest times.

Music Credits:
A Dididum Studios Production
Composed by: Rabbi Yoelish Teitelbaum
Performed by: Dovy Meisels, Mordechai Kohn
Arrangements: Benny Laufer
Mix: Shloimy Wechter
Choir: Shira
Engineers: Chaim Moses, Mendy Fekete

Video Credits:
A Pivot Group Production
Written, Produced & Edited: Meir Unger
Casting: Davidowitz Productions
Directed: Aharon Orian
Production Management: Ari Weinberg

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