Dudu Deri With a New Single Which Calls For Unified Ranks Among the Nation: “Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La’Zeh”
Nowadays the conversations that take place on the streets are of separation, disagreement, and sinas chinam. Dudu Deri is now releasing a new single with a clear message, that says that there should be connection and unification amongst all of the different parts of Klal Yisrael.
“Kol Yisrael” is a combined effort production of Deri’s with prize winning lyricist in 2010 Yossi Gispin, who has written huge hits, and this is now his first composition in the genre of religious Mediterranean-style music.
The lyrics are…
“אם נושיט את היד לעולם לא נמעד
אחד זה כולם וכולם זה אחד
כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה
כולם בשביל כולם
איפה יש עוד עם כזה
אין עוד עם כזה בכל העולם”
The lyrics themselves were composed by the duo of singers Eliran Avital and Lior Mi’Arah, who are considered promising up and coming stars of the world of Mediterranean music, in both lyric and melodic composition.
Musical Production: Eliran Avital
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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