by yossi | July 20, 2010 9:36 pm
Eitan Kleinman is a 36 year old religious computer guy, married and the father of five from Peduel in the Shomron. He works in hi-tech as a web developer. Over the past ten years he has occasionally retreated to the studio to record parts of his debut album. “Throughout this period, and in my life in general”, recalls Kleinman “I kept asking myself where is the mountain, when will I reach the Everest, so that we can say that we have reached the peak, that we have planted the flag of proof…”
Then along came the Second Lebanon War to change his very way of thinking. Eitan is drafted and suddenly comes to the realization that he is basically missing the point. “I began to understand that one should also enjoy the process, or at least give it the respect it deserves, its importance “lechatchila”. The journey is a central part of what we are trying to achieve. We should never forget that in this world, which is a very narrow bridge, we should always try to do our best and that each and every moment has meaning and uniqueness, hence it exists”. He wrote the theme song of the album “About to Change” after experiencing this understanding.
Kleinman has been studying singing for the past seven years. “True musicians never stop singing” he says with a smile. “There is never a moment when a song is not playing in my head. Music is an integral part of my life, the ability to articulate, to express oneself and to change exists in music that surrounds us resounds in each one of us.”
The new album is the fruit of the labour of two people. Amichai Koppel, a graduate of the “Hed” School of Contemporary Music and with a degree in Musicology from Bar Ilan University who has produced and arranged all the
songs, and Eitan Kleinman, writer composer and singer. The pair have worked, created and even documented the long process in a lively blog which has attracted great interest. Once the album is released, Kleinman plans a round of intimate performances throughout the country “wherever I am asked to sing, I will go” he promises.
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