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Eli Levin ft. Pumpidisa – Halelu (Music Video)

Eli Levin ft. Pumpidisa – Halelu (Music Video)

Available on iTunes!!!

Eli Levin learnt this song years ago in Israel and he fell in love with its energy. He decided then that this song must be heard by his friends in America. It’s been many years, and he am excited to finally release this music video.

כל הנשמה תהלל יה הללויה

Let every living, breathing creature praise God! This summer Levin went with his cousins Tzvi and Matt Levin of Pumpidisa to Sam’s Point in Ellenville, NY to film this production. They felt we needed to collaborate on this video because of their special experiences together in Israel, where they learnt this song.

Watch this video with an open heart, and Eli hopes it inspires you to love, and feel loved, by our creator! Raise up your hands, take a deep breath, and praise our God!


Music Arranged and Produced by: Ruli Ezrachi
Directed by Vision & Hart

Tags assigned to this article:
Eli LevinMatt LevinPumpidisaTzvi Levin

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