Eli Seidenfeld With A Single In Honor of His Sons Bar Mitzvah “Veharev Na”

by yossi | May 29, 2024 10:06 am

Eli Seidenfeld With A Single In Honor of His Sons Bar Mitzvah “Veharev Na”

The world was created for Torah learning, and that is our ultimate mission, though not always an easy one. Our most heartfelt Tefilah is that we and our children experience the sweetness of Torah study.

In honor of my son’s Bar Mitzvah, Rabbi Simcha Sussman shared this beautiful niggun with me, and the lyrics are particularly fitting as one embraces the עול התורה. We daven that Hashem let us love the Torah for all eternity.

Vocals: Eli/Zev/Simcha Seidenfeld
Produced/Mixed/Mastered: Dima Graziani
Composed by: Rabbi Simcha Sussman
English Lyrics: Eli Seidenfeld
Album Cover Art: Esti Seidenfeld
Graphic Design: Adina Cahn
Photography: Chaya Kessler
Musical Consultant: Dovid Dachs

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/eli-seidenfeld-with-a-single-in-honor-of-his-sons-bar-mitzvah-veharev-na/