Elimelach Kohn – Venohapoch Hu

This single “Venohapuch Hu“, Elimelach Kohn debut single was originally recorded last year before Purim.
It was re-recorded and remixed in honor of Prim 5775. Elimelach is no stranger to the music scene. He was featured in choirs on a few albums, as well as worked with Lipa (his first cousin) on choirs on Keinehora. Elimelach has also worked with the likes of Eli Beer on Ve’yiyu Rachamecho and is also on his clip, and recently on Berry Weber’s music video Yachad.
Composed & Sung by: Elimelach Kohn
Arranged by: Duvid Shtendig
Music by: Sruly Meir
vocal affects & recorded by: Gershey Shwartz
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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