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Elyokum Buta – Ana Aneini

Elyokum Buta – Ana Aneini

Singer Elyokum Buta releases a new single “Ana Aneini” from his upcoming debut album.

Song strong and reinforces its name, is “Ana Aneini” was released in honor of the fast approaching yomim noroim and yemei h’slichot.
The words were written by Elyokum himself with the great musician Ronnie Achiel to the composition of Ronnie, and processing of musical arranger and producer Amos Cohen.

Of course, the song maintains a high level and varied world of music dictated Elyokum as with his previous songs such as “Midvar Sheker Tirchak” and “Achoti Kallah” marked primarily religious genre success just played first.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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