Elyokum Buta With A New Single “Rak Ata”

After hits such as “Midvar Sheker Tirchak“, “K’mo Galim“, “Ha’Osher“, “Achoti Kallah“, and “Kamah Od”, singer Elyokum Buta is releasing a new and upbeat single called “Rak Ata“.
In “Rak Atah“, Buta is giving you a special combination of a Tefilah song that is also upbeat and fun, and with grab you in from the first second of the song.
Buta, under the new direction of “Eiden Productions“, is marching forward towards finishing his first album which should be released shortly. He is performing in all parts of Israel with his orchestra in private events and concerts.
Lyrics and Composition: Sharon Avilchak
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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Production: Doron Elimelech
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