by yossi | July 19, 2020 8:30 pm
Singer Ethan Katz decided to produce Eilecha and release it now for a very simple reason. The Three Weeks are a time of aveilus for the Jewish people. We mourn the many terrible things that happened to us on Shiva Asar b’Tammuz, and continue to mourn for the next three weeks up until Tisha b’Av, the day on which the Bayis Sheini was destroyed. The Gemara in Maseches Yoma (9b) tells us that the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed due to Sinas Chinam, baseless hatred, between the Jews to one another. The time leading up to these Three Weeks that we are in now has been very strange. We are only just starting to physically come back together after so many weeks. And yet, during these quarantine times, we have come together in such a special way, every Jew, every person, doing their part to help their community. For a while, there was nothing but Ahavas Chinam, loving each other, supporting each other, for the simple reason of being human. However, in recent times, as we are slowly moving back towards normalcy, we seem to have gone back to baseless hatred. The Gemara in Maseches Brachos (17a) quotes Abaye as commonly stating the importance of being kind and gentle, greeting all people with a smile and a simple hello. Why? Because the important thing is to be accepting of all creations, no matter the color of their skin or their beliefs. Ethan chose to release this song, quoting these words so eloquently written by Dovid HaMelech, in order to remind us all, himself included, that instead of turning on EACH OTHER, we should all turn to Hashem! We should all pray to Hashem! We are still in the time of COVID-19, of struggle, hardship, and turmoil. We must all remember that we are all creations of the same G-d, and we are all similar in our ability to cry out to Him. We are still in galus, we still have not yet returned to the Beis HaMikdash, so let’s stop this baseless hatred and turn our powerful emotions towards tefillah, towards prayer to the Almighty for a better, peaceful, loving world.
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