Ethan Katz – V’Chol Mi
When deciding which of my niggunim to release as a single to introduce my upcoming EP, “Shabbos Melodies,” the words of this niggun spoke loudest to me. “V’chol mi she’oskim b’tzarchei tzibbur be’emunah, HaKadosh Boruch Hu y’shaleim s’charam, v’yasir meheim kol machalah.” Those individuals that partake in the needs of the greater group/community, Hashem will reward them. And not only that, but He will also remove any sickness as well!
These words, which come from the Mi Shebeirach following Yekum Porkan just before Shabbos Mussaf, are so relevant right now. Around the world, there is discrimination, racism, and bigotry. Hashem has charged each and every Jew to not stay closed up within our own communities, but to serve as an Ohr LaGoyim, a light unto the nations. While it is easy to say that these words are only discussing the tzibbur, the group that comes together to daven to Hashem, I believe the message is promoting much more than that. As Jews, we must look within ourselves to improve and serve Hashem to our fullest capacity, but we must also look outside ourselves and open both our ears and our hearts to those that cry injustice around us.
As we approach the Three Weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av, we must remember the sins of our ancestors, the sin’as chinam (baseless hatred) that led to our prolonged galus (exile), and make a change.
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