by yossi | May 17, 2013 4:14 pm
Join us for a historic concert in memory of the King of Cantors,
Yossele Rosenblatt,
on the anniversary of his eightieth yahretzeit (June 19, 1933 / 25 Sivan 5693)
Cantor Yaakov Stark, Cantor Netaniel Hershtik, Cantor Binyamin Muller, Cantor Yaakov Lemmer, Cantor Yaakov Rosenfeld
Accompanied by Itzchak Haimov & The Hampton Synagogue Choir
Cantor Daniel Gildar – Piano
Sunday, June 2, 2013 – 8:15 PM
First Congregation Anshe Sfard | 4502 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Charlie Bernhaut Master of Ceremonies
Make your reservations at
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