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An Exclusive event with Avraham Fried Also starring Benny Freidman

An Exclusive event with Avraham Fried Also starring Benny Freidman

Shirainu presents
An Exclusive event with Avraham Fried
Also starring Benny Friedman
With performances by
Yoely Greenfeld and Simcha Leiner
Motzei Shabbos 9:45pm March 30 2013 – Brooklyn College

This Chol Hamoed Pesach, Avraham Fried like never before! Avremel will perform a vast array of his hits from his albums, blended with his stories and charm to create a real personal yet electrifying experience. Featured will be his new classics from his top selling recent album, Keep Climbing.

Benny Friedman, coming off his new heralded album, with the big title hit ‘Yesh Tikvah‘, will storm the stage. Additionally he will sing together with Avremel! Catch Benny’s youtube videos, they are all the talk!

The amazing Yoely Greenfeld will perform in his debut performance at Brooklyn College. Known for his breakthrough hit ‘Yechadsheyhu‘, he is now this week releasing his much anticipated second album. Also, Simcha Leiner who has created quite a name for himself in Jewish music, will grace the stage. His online emotional hit ‘Kol Bramah’ has been seen by tens of thousands. He is in great demand for singing at simchas. This too will be a debut performance at B.C.

Music by the fantastic Freilach band, together with Jim Hynes & his brass section. The Vocal backup group will be Zemiros, a big name in performances.

, the leader in music enhanced Torah projects, will benefit from all VIP Supporter tickets purchased. Front 8 rows are reserved for Shirainu supporters who will receive honorable mention in the playbill. Please help support this important cause. More on Shirainu and its future projects coming soon or visit Shirainu is a 501c3 non profit org.

Tickets can be purchased @ Shirainu supporters will get a receipt mailed to them for their donation.

This show’s demand will be off the charts. Cutting edge performers coming together for a Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed Happening! Be there!

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1 comment

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  1. cookie
    cookie 2 March, 2013, 21:46

    I don’t need to say anything everyone knows that fried is king!!!!
    Shwekey can jump in the lake!
    I love u fried!!

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